Nov. 24, 2022
TETRAMAX – a success story in 2022 selected by the National Contact Point on Digital and Industrial Technologies

TETRAMAX was selected as a success story about digital technologies and innovations on their way to market. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany, TETRAMAX was selected by the NCP on Digital and Industrial Technologies and published in the Yearbook of success stories 2022.

June 17, 2022
Max innovation: TETRAMAX celebrates successes

Launched in 2017, the TETRAMAX Innovation Action sought to promote technology transfer in customized, low-energy computing solutions across Europe. Now that the project has come to an end, HiPEAC caught up with TETRAMAX Coordinator Rainer Leupers to find out how TETRAMAX has helped bring products to the market, energizing the low-power electronics sector with the latest machine learning and edge computing innovations

March 17, 2022TETRAMAX final summary report
Feb. 16, 20224th Industrial Advisory Board for TETRAMAX
Jan. 18, 2022TETRAMAX success stories
Oct. 27, 2021European Innovation Actions and the goal to digitize Europe
Oct. 25, 2021Projects ANDREAS and CORONA selected for the TETRAMAX TTX AWARDS
Oct. 25, 2021TETRAMAX at the Embedded Systems week
Sept. 13, 2021The last TETRAMAX summer school at ACACES21
Sept. 6, 2021TETRAMAX and BOWI industry session at Embedded Systems Week
Aug. 20, 2021Workshop: SME experiments as a way to forge collaborations and support regional adoption of digital technologies
July 6, 2021Call for papers: HiPEAC track at embedded world
July 5, 2021SAE Contest 2021
June 28, 2021Meet the Tetramax TTX: CORONA
June 23, 2021SMART4ALL special session @ MECO 2021
June 21, 2021Former TETRACOM client Silexica acquired by Xilinx
June 14, 2021TETRAMAX awards promising new technology experiments
June 9, 2021TETRAMAX summer school now open for registration!
April 13, 2021Third TETRAMAX Industrial Advisory Board meeting
March 17, 2021International projects focusing on collaboration between science and businesses
March 17, 2021IT4INNOVATIONS brought their technology to a new level thanks to TETRAMAX
March 16, 2021Bartosz Ziolko of Techmo shares his tips for start-ups!
March 15, 2021Meet E-flight, bilateral TTX chosen in the last open call.
Feb. 12, 2021BOWI has an open call for mature DIH
Feb. 2, 2021BOWI widening call for developing digital innovation hubs
Dec. 21, 2020TETRAMAX awards TTX CLEC PV and H-BEACON
Dec. 15, 2020CPU-Fin is taking it to the next level
Dec. 15, 2020BOWI is launching 2 new open calls for developing DIHs and mature hubs.
Dec. 14, 2020TETRAMAX partner DAMA-UPC is working on a COVID-19 app.
Dec. 13, 2020BOWI project distributes M 1,44 € among 24 companies to support their digital solution refinement
Dec. 11, 2020TECHMO collaborating in the 1800HELPME-project
Dec. 10, 2020White papers by TECHMO
Dec. 9, 2020Thanks to TECHMO, you can order chicken wings
Nov. 27, 202027th International Open Workshop on Synchronous Programming
Oct. 20, 2020Successfull TETRAMAX European Industrial Session at Embedded Systems Week
Oct. 15, 2020Passing of Dr. Béla Fehér
Sept. 30, 2020TETRAMAX: the highway from research to innovation
Sept. 17, 2020Online TETRAMAX European Industrial Session at Embedded Systems Week
Sept. 14, 2020TETRAMAX choses 10 bilateral TTX for the last call
Aug. 20, 2020CDS nominated as top aerospace technology solutions company
July 31, 2020TETRAMAX summer school 2020
June 8, 2020BOWI network launches first open call for experiments
June 5, 2020TETRAMAX participates in the newly launched BOWI project
May 19, 2020PROMIoTOR implements a new platform
May 19, 2020Think Silicon® acquired by Applied Materials.
May 19, 2020Meet SANTO
May 18, 2020Meet BLEeper
May 17, 2020Meet ANDREAS
May 12, 2020TETRAMAX summer school 2020 will go virtual!
May 7, 2020ReMoni attracts a new investor!
May 6, 2020Meet 2 new TETRAMAX experiments RAMSES and MEATRACK
March 31, 2020TETRAMAX launches a new open call for Entrepreneurial Technology Transfer Experiments
March 18, 20204 experiments granted after the 3rd Open Call for Bilateral TTX
Feb. 28, 2020ACACES 2020 summerschool grants
Feb. 27, 2020TETRAMAX partner Techmo builds speech synthesizer "Masza"
Feb. 27, 2020NanoCycler HS Power Optimization of Storage Devices
Feb. 19, 2020Results of the 3rd Call for Value Chain Oriented and interdisciplinary Technology Transfer Experiments
Feb. 19, 2020Three new teams of potential entrepreneurs receive seed-funding to explore a potential start-up business scenario
Feb. 18, 2020TETRAMAX awards CARROTS for outstanding impact on the industry
Feb. 13, 2020Read out the latest news on our partnering network “Wireless Sensor Networks – IoT”
Feb. 12, 2020TETRAMAX facilitated a new low-cost power measurement tool for the development of energy-efficient embedded systems
Jan. 29, 2020TETRAMAX highlights at HiPEAC 2020
Jan. 27, 2020TETRAMAX: fourth call for bilateral technology transfer experiments will be published soon
Jan. 27, 2020Public summaries published for latest TTX calls
Jan. 6, 2020EVErMORE video
Nov. 25, 2019HS-CHAR project successfully completed and ready for a new beginning!
Nov. 25, 2019TTX partner NplusT recommends TETRAMAX
Nov. 7, 2019A new TETRAMAX video! Meet MIP: Magnetic information Platform
Nov. 6, 2019TETRAMAX @ Patras Codecamp 2019
Oct. 25, 2019TETRAMAX Open calls
Oct. 21, 2019TETRAMAX ignites entrepreneurial spirit
Oct. 17, 2019Hackathon organized by AIR institute
Oct. 15, 2019Technology transfer made easy with TETRAMAX experiments
Oct. 8, 2019PROMIoTOR systems tested in Cyprus
Oct. 2, 2019CORNET: International Research solves SME’s Problems
Sept. 27, 2019TETRAMAX meets industrial advisors
Sept. 24, 2019PROMIoTOR: Low-Power Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for the sustainability of processes in Smart Farming
Aug. 26, 2019New open calls!
Aug. 1, 2019Second TETRAMAX summerschool
July 22, 2019The TETRAMAX brokerage portal
July 8, 2019TETRAMAX summerschool
June 4, 2019Two new TETRAMAX Technology Transfer Experiments selected for financial support
May 29, 2019Successful Dutch Norwegian Technology Transfer Experiment
April 26, 2019"Low-Power WAN" seminar with the support of the TETRAMAX project
April 22, 2019Innovation Event at the HiPEAC CSW in Edinburgh
April 19, 2019Techmo launches a free demo of a new 3D sound processing engine
April 19, 2019Workshop on Embedded Multicore Programming
April 15, 2019Think Silicon @ the Patras IQ 2019
April 9, 2019TETRAMAX at ELECTROSUB Conference & Fair
April 8, 2019TETRAMAX selects new Bilateral Technology Transfer Experiments
April 4, 2019The TETRAMAX brokerage platform presented at the 6th Digital Innovation Hubs WG Meeting on Digital Tools and Marketplaces
March 28, 2019TETRAMAX workshop at DATE 2019
March 26, 2019Matchmaking event in Firenze
March 12, 2019Grants for ACACES 2019 summerschool
Feb. 27, 2019TETRAMAX at mobile world congress
Feb. 21, 2019New TETRAMAX project video: NOxBox
Feb. 19, 2019TETRAMAX presented in Riga
Feb. 13, 2019Successful R&I in Europe 2019
Feb. 12, 2019Results of the first Entrepreneurial TTX call
Feb. 12, 2019Strengthening the network on a multi-regional level
Feb. 11, 2019TETRAMAX workshop at DATE 2019
Feb. 11, 2019Think Silicon @ Embedded World 2019
Feb. 6, 2019TETRAMAX matchmaking event at DATE 2019
Feb. 1, 2019Workshop on Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups
Jan. 15, 2019Long‐term impact of European technology transfer in the ICT domain: Evidence from the TETRACOM and TETRAMAX projects
Jan. 7, 2019Workshop on Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups
Dec. 17, 2018New members joining the TETRAMAX Industrial Advisory Board
Dec. 13, 2018TETRAMAX at ICT2018
Dec. 12, 2018Meet CARROTS!
Dec. 10, 20182-day TETRAMAX workshop at University of Zagreb
Nov. 28, 2018TETRAMAX tech transfer TEBIX presented at the Digital Innovation Hubs Annual Event 2018 in Warsaw
Nov. 27, 2018The TETRAMAX November newsletter is out!
Nov. 5, 2018TETRAMAX: second call for bilateral technology transfer experiments is now published!
Oct. 31, 2018TETRAMAX is attending the annual DIH event 2018 in Warsaw, Poland
Oct. 22, 2018TETRAMAX at the Barcelona Industry Week: an SME’s perspective
Oct. 17, 2018TETRAMAX launches the largest pan-European technology brokerage network on customized low-energy computing
Oct. 2, 2018TETRAMAX Networking session at ICT 2018
Sept. 14, 2018TETRAMAX held its first Industrial Advisory Board meeting and presented the granted Technology Transfer Experiments!
Aug. 14, 2018Meet EverMore
Aug. 9, 2018TETRAMAX selects the first Value Chain Oriented and Interdisciplinary Technology Transfer Experiments
Aug. 7, 2018New experiment ‘HeartStep’ funded by TETRAMAX first call for bilateral TTX
Aug. 7, 2018TETRAMAX now on the DIH online catalogue
Aug. 6, 2018Dr Martin Palkovič becomes Director of Computing at ECMWF
Aug. 2, 2018TETRAMAX @ the 6th Hellenic Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation
July 12, 2018Developing business skills at ACACES18
July 3, 2018Digital innovation hubs working group meeting: digital skills
June 19, 2018The first TETRAMAX LEP-level workshop in Slovenia
June 18, 2018AMG presented TETRAMAX at Innovative Enterprise Week in Bulgaria
June 12, 2018TETRAMAX in Montenegro: how members from East and Southern Europe can benefit from it
May 15, 2018TETRAMAX selects the first bilateral technology transfer experiments
May 9, 2018TETRAMAX Newsletter May 2018 is out!
May 1, 2018Successful outcome of the 1st Open call for Bilateral Technology Transfer Experiments
April 23, 2018A novel tech brokerage portal on customized low-energy computing
April 17, 2018TETRAMAX course track in the ACACES 2018 summerschool
April 13, 2018LEP-workshop: TECHMO day!
March 21, 2018TETRAMAX at the DATE conference
March 15, 2018See you at DATE next week?
March 7, 2018TETRAMAX is offering grants for the TETRAMAX- course track in the ACACES 2018 summerschool
March 1, 2018TETRAMAX published a new call!
Feb. 2, 2018TETRAMAX Newsletter of Feb. 2018
Jan. 31, 2018TETRAMAX presented at the IraSME & CORNET Partnering Event Aachen
Jan. 24, 2018TETRAMAX at HiPEAC18 conference
Jan. 17, 2018Educational workshop on programming and speech recognition
Jan. 12, 2018UPC brings regional research groups and companies together
Dec. 19, 2017TETRAMAX presented at JIC seminar
Dec. 7, 2017TETRAMAX at EFECS 2017
Dec. 4, 2017TETRAMAX: first newsletter
Nov. 30, 2017TETRAMAX: Call for bilateral technology transfer experiments is now published!
Nov. 29, 2017European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative issues their first newsletter
Nov. 26, 2017TETRAMAX at SC17
Nov. 16, 20176th TETRAMAX Workshop on Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups - call for participation
Nov. 9, 2017Tetramax at Grow your region event in Valencia
Nov. 3, 2017New Tetramax Competence Center in Krakow
Oct. 27, 2017TETRAMAX presented at the SIITME conference in Romania
Oct. 26, 2017TETRAMAX at the Computing Systems Week
Oct. 19, 2017TETRAMAX presentation during the HiPEAC New Member states Workshop in Kosice
Oct. 10, 2017Press release: New European initiative TETRAMAX will boost customized low energy computing innovation in European industries.
Oct. 10, 2017TETRAMAX workshop on Speech analysis for cybercrime detection
Sept. 22, 2017TETRAMAX joined the Digital Innovation Hubs' European event
Sept. 21, 2017TETRAMAX presented at the SAE workshop in Madrid
Sept. 19, 2017The TETRAMAX project has kicked off!


TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.