At the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakian academic colleagues and companies gathered for the new member states workshop. HiPEAC coordinator Koen De Bosschere introduced HiPEAC to new potential members, academic colleagues and companies, Rainer Leupers, member of the HiPEAC steering committee, also presented TETRAMAX there.
TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.