Oct. 26, 2017

TETRAMAX at the Computing Systems Week

We joined the HiPEAC team in Stuttgart for the Computing Systems Week. TETRAMAX organized a session there on Oct 26 on Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE): Innovations in automotive and smart mobility applications.

We were happy to have Ms. Lorena Riveiro from the European Commission introducing the SAE initiative. The Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative focusses on digital transformation of the European Industry. She pointed out that only 16% of the European SMEs are digitised, therefore it remains a focuspoint. Afterwards, the project coordinator, Rainer Leupers (RWTH Aachen) gave a presentation of TETRAMAX (link to presentation) and announced that the first call for bilateral technology transfer projects will be issued in November 2017. More information will be announced on the website:

Meike Reimann (Steinbeis 2i) talked about the new project “Smart4Europe”, that started in September 2017. It aims to build an innovation portal to reinforce the collaboration, increase the outreach and impact of the projects supported under SAE and create a Technology Radar to identify technologies SAE can benefit from. Isabelle Dor (CEA) introduced the FED4SAE project, focussing on creating a pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) by leveraging existing regional technology or business ecosystems across complete value chains and multiple competencies.

After the break, we heard some SAE success stories sharing their best practices. Starting with innovative debug automation and reliability tools for dependable cyber-physical systems, presented by Gert Jervan of Tallinn University of Technology which has a long track record on researching, developing and commercializing test, debug and reliability solutions.

Josep Lluís Larriba-Pey (UPC) talked about the use and standardization of Real Time Open Data for mobility, the pilot carried out with SEAT (VolksWagen group) to enhance vehicle mobility, as well as about the software developed by Sparsity Technologies and DAMA-UPC to aid the city in automatically publishing Real Time Open Data.

Bartosz Ziółko and Szymon Pałka from TECHMO presented the SoundToolKit, which is a simulation environment for sound evaluation. The SoundToolKit solution extends the level of immersion of VR and AR devices, with which it creates a more user-friendly tool to assess how the architecture and other environmental factors combined with sound sources impact the level of noise pollution in an urban environment.

Last but not least, Per Stenström (Chalmers Univ.) introduced a smart management of computer memory solution called MaxiMem. This is a product family of IP blocks that compresses the content of main memory to offer about 3x more memory capacity and effective memory bandwidth than offered by standard DRAM chips.

We were really happy to be involved in the Computing Systems Week. The benefits of cooperation have been stated many times, not only in this session. We are looking forward to reap the benefits of these collaborations.

More information


TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.