Feb. 13, 2020

Read out the latest news on our partnering network “Wireless Sensor Networks – IoT”

IoT, IIoT and Industry 4.0 require a large number and variety of sensors and adequate data processing. However, digitization and thus cost or quality optimization are limited by the high effort involved in installing or retrofitting sensors. For this reason, customers of sensor manufacturers are increasingly demanding wireless sensors and services that include cloud solutions and data analytics.

Our cooperation network "Wireless Sensor Networks - IoT" (Drahtlose Sensornetzwerke - IoT) supports companies in building up and exchanging the knowledge necessary for the energy supply and integration of sensors via innovative wireless and other transmission solutions to the Internet. This brings the development of new services, such as predictive maintenance, within reach.

Current fields of application:

  • Construction site logistics
  • Intelligent warehouse logistics
  • Intralogistics tradesmen
  • Indoor tracking for the Smart Factory
  • Outdoor Tracking
  • Maintenance & Repair

We are home at Middle Hesse (nearby Frankfurt). The region comprises more than 100 electrical engineering companies, most of which also deal with sensor technology.

The cluster is hosted by the TransMIT society for technology transfer mbH with 160 employees, which establishes several networks under the motto "bundle competences, reach critical mass, develop together". Furthermore, TransMIT as a system partner for innovation is a company of the central hessian universities and offers access to the research results of 10 universities and research institutions.

Drahtlose Sensornetzwerke - IoT
c/o TransMIT GmbH
Kerkrader Straße 3
35394 Giessen

Phone: +49 (6 41) 94 36 4 - 0
Fax: +49 (6 41) 94 36 4 - 99

More information


TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.