Sept. 14, 2020

TETRAMAX choses 10 bilateral TTX for the last call

TETRAMAX was blown away by a record number of 41 applications for the 4th and last open call for Bilateral TTX! 10 TTX were selected for funding.

1. RadMonIC Radiation monitoring with IC. Cevelopment of a versatile spectroscopic environmental radiation monitor with high energy resolution and extremely low energy consumption for harsh environments based on IC’s. Integrated Detector Electronics AS, Small SME (Norway) -- ENVINET GmbH, Small SME (Denmark)

2. WiForAgri 2021 WiForAgri2021: Smart Agriculture low-power IoT / Edge-Computing module. Universidad de Salamanca, University (Spain) -- Primo Principio Societa Cooperativa, Micro SME (Italy)

3.SWAN Severe Weather Analysis and Nowcast Artys, Micro SME (Italy) -- Meteorage, Small SME (France)

The SWAN objective is to provide a proof-of-concept of a novel Decision Support System solution for storm and flood hazard based on short-term predictions in the Mediterranean countries. Artys’ technology is an IoT-driven rainfall monitoring system that will be transferred to Meteorage by means of a licensing agreement. SWAN is an unprecedented solution for the resilience of communities, industria.

4.VLP-Automation Task Automation based on Visible Light Positioning and blockchain Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, University (Spain) -- BEIA Consult International, Small SME (Romania)

Task automation is an emerging technology for enabling self-configuration and adaptation of services and sensors and it is one of the enabling technologies for IoT. Location based services are one of the most popular services that take advantage of both task automation as well as positioning services. This project aims at providing a Task Automation Platform based on Visible Light Positioning.

5. E-FLIGHT Energy consumption optimization at FLIGHT controllers level for blood and hemocomponents delivery through autonomous UAV Fundacion Andaluza para el Desarrollo Aeroespacial, other non-profit organisation/research (Spain)-- ABZERO SRLS, Micro SME (Italy)

The scope of the E-FLIGHT TTX proposal is to implement energy consumption optimization strategies for dramatically improving the performance, and consequently, the industrial and commercial impact of LEONARDO, the smart blood and hemocomponents delivery system through autonomous drones.

6. LO-CODIFI LOw COmplexity DIrection FInding Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), University (Switzerland) -- WAGOO Italia S.R.L.S, Micro SME (Italy) IoT devices can be improved by running multi-layer neural networks. Machine-learning models show impressive accuracy. We plan to improve our wearable with 1) a better direction detection accuracy 2) lower power consumption 3) latest generation BLE chipsets and microcontrollers.

7. ESGR Edge Snapshot GNSS Receiver Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, University (Spain) -- Loctio P.C., Micro SME (Greece)

8. xDeep Neuro IIoT 4.0 eXplainable Deep NeuroFuzzy Learning for fatigue detection and predictive maintenance in Industry 4.0 using low-power IIoT devices. Fundacion Instituto Internacional de Investigacion en Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencias de la Computacion (AIR Institute), Spain -- TECHNICKA DIAGNOSTIKA, spol. s r.o., Small SME (Slovakia) The main objective of this project is to apply new techniques based on eXplainable Deep Fuzzy Learning for the detection of fatigue and predictive maintenance of rotary elements in Industry 4.0 based on their vibrations collected by multiple low-power and low-cost IIoT devices. This approach will allow not only to predict future failures in rotary elements, but also to explain the causes.

9. IMLIC IMproved performance Li-Ion Capacitor system based on low-energy computing for IoT device Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University (Greece) -- Koral Technologies Srl, Mirco SME (Italy)

10. TRU IMC Transfer of Radar Based Avionics for Uncontrolled Instrument Meteorological conditions (UIMC) Radar Based Avionics BV (RBA), Micro SME (Netherlands) -- FLARM Technology Ltd, Micro SME (Switzerland) This TTX is about transferring miniaturized low-energy radar hardware and firmware that prevents drones and helicopters to crash into obstacles, birds and each other. Radar allows (auto)pilots to see through bad visibility conditions. The airspace thus will become safer and the transferred technology might open up possibilities for electric flights over shorter distances throughout the EU.


TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.