April 22, 2019

Innovation Event at the HiPEAC CSW in Edinburgh

Everything you wanted to know about Innovation but was afraid to ask! Innovation is the driver of economic growth - but how to achieve it? This event, organized by TETRAMAX and Eurolab4HPC at the HiPEAC Computer Systems Week in Edinburgh, brought together investors, entrepreneurs, startups, researchers, and industrialists to give their view on how to make it happen.

During this innovation event, 9 speakers took the time to bring the inside story of their paths, ups and downs and good practices in the road to innovation!


  • Mark Collins CTO Voxsio “The Ready Meal AI”
  • Per Stenstrom CSO ZeroPoint Technologies, From a Research Idea to a Business – The ZeroPoint Story
  • Claudia Duffy IP Attorney, “Innovation v. Invention - can both be monetised?”
  • Oscar Deniz UCLM “Eyes of Things”
  • Hannah Rudman Director Wallet Services “Building block by block - growing a DLT business”
  • Tughrul Arslan Professor of integrated systems, Univ Edinburgh “Commercialisation of University Research: From Processors to Cloud”
  • Angela Mathis Chief Executive and Co-Founder ThinkTank Maths “Beating biases”
  • Andrew Richards CEO CodePlay “Building out an open standard ecosystem for AI at Codeplay (and how to make money out of it)”
  • Alan Stuart Stuart & Co “The Use of Collaboration Agreements for Innovation”
  • Nick Rankin co-Founder Quorate Technology “Building a speech technology spin-out company: Highlights and challenges”

And as a special end to this event, we could hear the advice from the Investors-side. What would trigger your interest? Chaired by Colin Adams, Panel Angela Mathis, Ian Ritchie, Marcus Henderson, Mary Jane Brouwers, Neil Heywood and Philip Petersen shared the key items they're looking for when investing in new technological innovations.

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TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.