TETRAMAX recognised the outstanding Technology Transfer Experiments (TTXs) of its calls through the “TETRAMAX TTX Award”. The award consists of a nominal personal award distributed to the partners of successful TTX with the highest impact in each call.
The award highlights the experiments with a significant impact on the industry, measured by performance indicators in three different categories: technical, business, and financial. The final batch of TTXs awarded in TETRAMAX are ANDREAS and CORONA.
This TTX was selected among the 3rd Call for Value Chain TTXs for its exceptional contribution to innovation in lower power consumption and better cost management applied to deep learning and artificial intelligence training workloads executed in hybrid infrastructures.
Today, artificial intelligence and deep learning (DL) methods are applied in a wide range of products. DL models are trained on GPGPU systems, achieving 5-40x speed-up w.r.t. CPU-based servers. ANDREAS develops advanced scheduling solutions optimising DL training run-time performance and their energy consumption in disaggregated GPGPU clusters. 2x speed-up and 50% energy savings are achieved. The partners involved in this project are Federica Filippini and Danilo Ardagna from Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Fabrizio Magugliani and Marco Cicala from E4 Computer Engineering (Italy), and Katarzyna Kasia Materka, Maciejk Riedl and Pawel Skrzypek from 7bulls (Poland).
CORONA was selected out of the 3rd Call for Bilateral TTXs for its excellent contribution to innovation in the field of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) with collaborative robotics and low-energy microcontrollers. The TTX focus was on integrating these core technologies on a DLT platform, specifically designed for an Internet of Things (IoT) manufacturing environment.
The key result of the experiment is a decentralised application (DApp), which is based on the Ethereum technology. For this, TTX CORONA had to overcome some of the performance and cost limitations known in the public Ethereum networks when this particular blockchain implementation is used for the IoT. The TTX configured and set up a consortium-based blockchain network to meet these requirements. The service logic is implemented in smart contracts, which are accessed by the user and machine interfaces. The partners involved in this project are Matevž Pustišek; Dejan Dolenc, Jan Turk, Roman Kotnik, Andrej Kos from University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), and Dr. Pierre Taner Kirisci, Dr. Bernd Bredehorst, Asad Khalid from Pumacy Technologies (Germany).
The awarded TTXs will receive the award and celebrate with the community during the TETRAMAX Award Ceremony on Tuesday 18th January at the 2022 HiPEAC Conference: hipeac.net/2022/budapest.
More info about the TTX CORONA: CORONA
More info about the TTX ANDREAS: ANDREAS
TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.