Press releases
Oct. 21, 2019

TETRAMAX ignites entrepreneurial spirit

TETRAMAX, a €7 million Horizon 2020 project to support the digitization of European SMEs, has just entered its third project year. Time to reflect on what was accomplished and where the project is heading in the journey to European digitization. We observe that, after 2 years in the project, the return of the European investment in the TETRAMAX project is already remarkable. For instance, GreenWaves Technologies, one of the participants in the TETRAMAX third-party funding program, raised €7 million of series A investment at the beginning of the year.

Let there be customization

Customization is essential in the digitization of enterprises. Intelligent systems are based on microprocessors with integrated memory and peripheral interfaces. These systems need custom design because of size, energy consumption, performance, reliability, and cost constraints. TETRAMAX focuses on bringing together providers of novel Customized Low-Energy Computing technologies with companies that seek to produce innovative solutions for a range of problems in other domains like health care, or IoT.

Growth through innovation

Investing in European digital innovation increases the competitiveness of enterprises and hence contributes to the economic growth in the EU. By September 2019, TETRAMAX has already supported 28 technology transfer experiments in Customized Low-Energy Computing and organized, or contributed to, more than 160 events. Furthermore, a high number of new jobs was created in different SMEs, and various product improvements have been reported.

Very remarkable is the result achieved by EVErMORE, which closed a €7 million Venture Capital round in its series A to further deploy and commercialise the experiment. The SME GreenWaves Technologies partnered up with the University of Bologna in its TETRAMAX technology transfer experiment: ‘EVErMORE: Energy-efficient Variation awarE MulticORE’. This collaboration was the seed towards creating the next generation GAP-8 IoT processor from GreenWaves Technologies, the industry’s first ultra-low-power processor enabling battery-operated artificial intelligence (AI) in Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It is expected to improve the energy efficiency of current generation GreenWaves Technology processors six-fold, enabling new applications and opening new market opportunities.

Almost all TETRAMAX experiments were able to upscale their Technology Readiness Level. TETRAMAX can expect even more positive impact results next year, as many of the tech transfer activities are still ongoing and the last funding calls will have been launched.

Read more about TETRAMAX at

Article dedicated to the GreenWaves Technologies: "Your next toy car is just as good as a Tesla".



Rainer Leupers
Project Coordinator
Phone: +49 241 80 28301

More information


TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.