A typical IDEAS product is ROSSPAD, which is 64 channel read-out system for silicon photo-multiplier avalanche diode arrays. The applications which leverage the features are:
-Gamma Cameras
-Spectroscopic Detectors
-Scintillator Based Pixelated Detectors
-Absorber in Compton Cameras
The IDEAS products are in important component in imaging system in scientific instruments on space and on earth. IDEAS' developments can be also used in IoT scenarios on premise and in cloud solutions. The high quality of the IC designs lead also to solution which offer high resolution in harsh environments. This is also important for solutions for societies and public health.
The IDEAS ROICs and ASICs contain relevant design IP including amplifiers (for charge, current and voltage), ADCs and DACs, comparators, reference circuits and regulators, analog pulse processing, analog pipeline memories, and digital libraries for synthesis and place and route of RTL from VHDL, static memory, and digital interfaces (SPI, others).
IDEAS have photoconductor specific experience from designing readout for and working with semiconductor sensors like CZT/CdTe, HgI, TlBr, diamond, and micro-bolometers. The following is a short and incomplete list of IDEAS’ ASIC design heritage.
A list of detectors and systems developed by IDEAS and currently supplied by IDEAS is here: https://ideas.no/product-category/imaging-modules-and-systems/ The list of circuits designed by IDEAS and currently supplied by IDEAS is here: https://ideas.no/ideas-ic-products/
The company, Integrated Detector Electronics (IDEAS), is specialized in the design and supply of integrated circuits for radiation detection and imaging. IDEAS have many different ASIC/IC/ROIC designs containing relevant IP for developing various solutions, e.g. based on a mixed analogue and digital design approach. Therefore any partner in research, industry and public sector.