Offer #2020.58

Computing Infrastructure As A Service

Technologické centrum Písek

The problem/challenge

We provide data center and cloud services as Infrastructure-As-A-Service (IAAS). IAAS gives customers the flexibility to optimize IT resources at low cost, as customers only pay for resources they consume.

The invention/product

Through our services, customers can access the best equipment available for computation:

• Our physical infrastructure has a large capacity of up to 20 kW per rack (rackhousing, dedicated servers, private data room).

• Our virtual data center runs on OpenStack and Kubernetes on a pay-as-you-go basis (flexible server size and choice of OS).

• Our Big Data Center provides cards Intel ARRIA 10 GX 660 and NVidia T4 (ideal for Big Data computations, AI, Machine Learning, etc.).

Companies/industry we are looking for

We are looking for companies working with Big Data, AI, Machine Learning, etc., as well as those that are undergoing digitalization. These companies could be both startups, SMEs or established companies.

Next steps/Activities

We would like to find partners for potential projects. As the use of Big Data, AI, Machine Learning, etc. is wide, these projects could range from industrial applications to furthering the implementation of ICT in daily life.

We are also open to providing our services on a commercial basis.

Make an enquiry

Date published04/29/2020StatusLooking for collaborationTechnology areas3D ModelingAugmented and Virtual RealityCloud ComputingComputer VisionData Mining and Big DataEmbedded HPCIndustrial AutomationMachine LearningModeling and Simulation Using HPCRobotics and Autonomous SystemsSmart Buildings Smart CitiesVirtual PrototypingWeb and Mobile Applications