Offer #2019.40

Quick design of FPGA-based Application-Specific Processors

The problem/challenge

Intron ltd has comprehensive experience and technologies for quick design of FPGA-based Application-Specific Processors (ASP) according to the customers' specification which includes: algorithm in C language that the ASP must perform; test vectors for functional verification; time of algorithm execution; the ASP interface; the FPGA type in which the ASP will be implemented and pin assignment information.

Intron ltd offers this service to industry clients to greatly reduce ASP and SoC-based solutions design times for embedded computer systems.

The invention/product

Quick design technologies for performance and power optimized FPGA-based Application-Specific Processors.

Companies/industry we are looking for

FPGA, ASIC and SoC designers and manufacturers.

Next steps/Activities

Our services include designing new FPGAs, ASICs and SoCs (the architecture of which will be tuned out to the computer architecture, which is the basis of our C2HDL design tools). This allows developers to synthesize ASP with extremely high performance/power consumption ratios.

Make an enquiry

Date published03/19/2019StatusLooking for collaborationTechnology areasElectronic System Level Design and ToolsEmbedded HPCIntegrated Circuit Design