Jan. 29, 2020

TETRAMAX highlights at HiPEAC 2020

Once again TETRAMAX has been actively involved in the #HiPEAC20 conference organizing a technology transfer workshop and presenting the results achieved in the first and second TTX open calls.

TISU workshop

The TISU Workshop on Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups offered lessons in technology transfer from start-ups and academics who have managed to bring their products to market thanks to TETRAMAX. Techmo (Poland), INFN (Italy), CEA (France), and dividiti (UK) were some of the companies that shared their experiences on bringing new technologies to the market and managing customer expectations.

TTX posters and awards

On the second day of the conference, Industry Day, TETRAMAX organized a poster session where 27 TTX posters were exhibited. All TTX from the first open calls and most of the TTX from the second Bilateral and Value-Chain calls were present. Seven internal TTX were also presented during the session.

Posters were displayed in the common area of the conference, triggering interesting conversations between TTX presenters and conference attendees (+600).

At the end of Industry Day, TETRAMAX TTX Awards were handed out to several selected TTX for outstanding impact achieved during the experiment, measured by KPIs in three different categories: technical, business and financial. Read more about the TTX awards


TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry, helping to gain competitive advantage through faster digitization. The project partially builds on experiences with the TETRACOM project during 2013-2016. TETRAMAX was launched in Sep 2017 and runs until Dec 2021.